Monday - Friday
8.45am - 3:30pm
Age 2
Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £7.43
Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £7.43
Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £7.43
Full Day (8:45-3:30) £50.15
Age 2
£/Session £
Morning Session (8:45-11:45) £22.29
Lunch Session (11:45-1:15) £11.15
Afternoon Session (1:15-3:30) £16.72
Full Day (8:45-3:30) £50.15
We charge a consumable fee at £3.50 per day, this includes snack and resources.
Termly administration fee of £5.
Late payment fee of £30 per month.
£20 swapping days fee.
A school dinner is available at an extra charge of £2.55.
15hr & 30hr Funding vouchers are accepted.
Typically 15hrs will cover 5 mornings per week
30hrs will not cover a full week. A full week consists of 33.75hrs.
Any hours attended above your funded hours will be charged