Hoglets opening times & fees
Breakfast club
We run a breakfast club for our 2 year olds - 4 year olds.
The session is 7:45am - 8:45am
2 year olds: £9
3&4 year olds: £7
Breakfast is provided and included in the cost.
Afterschool care
We run an afterschool care at Hoglets. This is for ages 2 years old - 11 years old. At afterschool care the children can do homework, cooking, creating, sports, building and have a snack.
Afterschool care sessions
We run Monday-Friday
Sessions cost: £6.50 an hour (includes a snack)
1/2 termly admin fee: £2.50
Late payment fee: £30
Swapping days fee: £20
Late picking up fee: £10 per 15 mins
To join, please read the 'Afterschool care policy' and fill the 'Afterschool care application forms' documents (press on the link below) in and return by email or by hand.