Gorran PreSchool

Hoglets opening times & fees

Afterschool care

We run an afterschool care at Hoglets. This is for ages 2 years old - 11 years old. At afterschool care the children can do homework, cooking, creating, sports and have a snack. 
Afterschool care sessions

We run Monday-Thursday 
The sessions cost £6.50 an hour and this includes a snack. 


To join, please read the 'Afterschool care policy' and fill the 'Afterschool care application forms' documents (press on the link below) in and return by email or by hand. 


Effective Learning

Find out more about our activities and what your children will be getting up to.

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Our Ethos

Read about the beliefs and values that our Pre-School is built upon.

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Nippers Nutrition

Take a look at our Menus and Recipes and Download them for use at home.

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01726 842161   hello@gorranpreschool.co.uk